Frequently Asked Questions
How often does the crew go out on fire?
This is entirely dependent on the season. The first assignment usually starts in the first or second week in May doing Prescribed Burning in Central Oregon. The crew is available for national and international assignment from that point on throughout the summer until the middle of October.
Where can/does the crew travel?
The crew is available throughout North America through different agreements such as the Northwest Compact which consists of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, Saskatchewan and most recently Hawaii. In past years, the crew has taken fire assignments throughout North America in Alaska, Idaho, Alberta, Kentucky and of course Oregon.
What does a normal day look like on the crew?
When not engaged on fire assignment, the crew begins the day with morning briefing, followed by physical training, then tactical training or project work for the remainder of the day.
How many hours can I expect?
This is a full time seasonal position. Outside of fire assignments, individuals are assured 40 hrs/ week. Fire assignment hours vary, but most often consist of 16 hour days. Crew is on assignment for an average of approximately 90 days per season.
Is there seasonal housing?
Being close the the Portland Metro area, there are many choices for housing. The District does have very limited seasonal housing available to those who's primary off season residence is outside the state of Oregon. Crew Housing
What is the work schedule?
When the crew is in district, normal work hours are Monday - Thursday, 0800-1800hrs. The District reserves the right to modify the work schedule as necessary as conditions warrant.
Is Overtime (OT) paid?
Yes, all hours over the normal 40 hour workweek (Sunday-Saturday) are paid at 1.5 times the individual's pay rate.
When do you start hiring?
Applications for positions open in early November of each year. When open, applications can be found at: Clackamas Fire careers Please see: Seasonal Hiring
How old do I need to be?
All employees need to be at least 18 years old at time of hire.
Do I need to have previous experience or training?
Most of our successful applicants come with previous training and experience. At a minimum an individual needs to have completed: NWCG S-130, S-190, L-180 and FEMA ICS 100 and 700. These courses are FREE and online at: FEMA Training and NWCG Wildland Learning Portal
Does being on the crew help with getting a structure firefighter job?
Absolutely! Many of our past crew members have gone on to obtain career structure jobs at Clackamas Fire and other agencies. Currently the District is navigating the steps to allow additional 'preference points' to those interested in structure firefighting career at Clackamas Fire.
Do you require drug testing?
All District volunteers and employees are required to go through, and successfully pass, a background and drug screening as part of the pre-employment process.
Is there a pathway for advancement/career growth?
Yes, crew structure has incorporated Senior Crewmember and Squad Boss positions for those individuals who wish to advance. These positions come with additional responsibilities and compensation. In addition, the crew is modeled as a developmental crew, meaning one of the foundational tenants of Crew 30 is to help develop individuals to achieve their maximum potential through personal growth.
Are healthcare benefits provided?
At this time, healthcare benefits are not provided to seasonal crew members below the Squad Boss level.
Is there a retirement benefit?
Perhaps! As a local governmental fire agency, Clackamas Fire District is part of the Public Employee Retirement System. Here is an excerpt regarding eligibility: To be eligible for the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP), you must meet the following requirements:
Be hired into a PERS-qualifying job on or after August 29, 2003
Not have been a member of any other PERS plan
Work at least 600 hours per year
After a six-month waiting period, you'll become a member of OPSRP. You'll contribute 6% of your gross salary to the Individual Account Program (IAP). For more information:
Who can I contact to receive more information?
Please fill out a contact card to be put on our job mailer by clicking here: Crew 30 Contact Card
Crew Superintendent - Matt Hernandez,
Asst. Crew Superintendent - Pat Glenn,
(please note, emails may have significant delayed response due to fire or other assignments.)