Physical Training/Standards

Physical conditioning is a core tenant of Crew 30. Crew members can expect to conduct rigorous PT each work day. 

As a minimum requirement of all wildland firefighters, each year crewmembers are required to successfully pass the Work Capacity Test (WCT) or as its better known "The Pack Test". This assessment is conducted on the first day of seasonal employment.

This assessment at the 'Arduous' level consists of the following: 

A 3 mile hike with 45# weight vest to be completed in 45 minutes or less. This is a Pass/Fail test. 

The WCT is the minimum requirement for wildfire employment. Those who come to the crew at this base level of fitness can expect to struggle to meet crew fitness levels. 

Click below to access more WCT information



Below are some links to fitness resources to help prepare for the season

Click on the upper right corner of the document below to open in a new window
